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  • Vlak 18+

  • Slegs volwasse.

  • Minimum intermediêre in dressuur.

  • Aktief op SSO en Discord.

  • In staat om bedieners te wissel vir praktyke en geleenthede.

  • Gemaklike en gelukkige klubperd. 

  • Klub uitrustings.

  • In staat om minimum 2 dressuuroefeninge per week by te woon.

  • Ervaar min tot geen vertraging nie.

  • Bereid om deel te neem aan lewendige optredes voor groot gehore.


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Application Information

PQL has two applicant programs:

Trial Program & Scholarship Program

To apply to the Trial Program, the applicant will apply via regular applications. To apply to the Scholarship Program, the applicant will apply via Scholarship Applications.

Both the Trial and Scholarship Programs follow the same timeline and steps, however, the Scholarship Program is designed to give a few applicants the chance to be in PQL, even if they do not meet all of the requirements needed. In order to become an official Queen and complete the Scholarship Program, all of the club requirements must be met, but the Scholarship Program is designed to give the applicant additional time to meet the requirements if needed, whereas Trials in the Trial Program must have all of the club requirements met by the end of the 3-week program.

Note: Applicants do not need to own the club horses and outfits in order to APPLY to PQL.

In order to pass Trial/Scholarship, the club horses and outfits are needed.


Pink Queens Legacy-aansoeke maak elke paar maande oop vir 'n tydperk van 5 dae. Gedurende die 5 dae wat aansoeke oop is, sal PQL-personeel onderhoude met aansoekers voer. Die dag na die sluiting van aansoeke sal PQL die aansoekers aankondig wat in Pink Queens Studente as proewe aanvaar is. Die proewe sal aan die proefproses van 3 weke deelneem en op die laaste dag van die 3de week sal PQL-personeel die proewe aankondig wat geslaag het en amptelike Pink Queens Legacy-lede geword het!

Sodra die aansoek hersien is en geag word om aan die basiese vereistes te voldoen, sal die aansoeker 'n boodskap op Discord ontvang en sal 'n paar vrae gevra word. Daarna word die aansoeker versoek om in wild te ontmoet vir 'n dressuuronderhoud.

As die onderhoude goed verloop, sal die aanvaarde aansoekers aangekondig word en genooi word om by Pink Queens Studente aan te sluit vir die proefproses van 3 weke. Tydens die proefproses van 3 weke sal die proeflid geëvalueer word om te bepaal of daardie proef goed geskik is vir PQL en of hulle het wat nodig is om 'n amptelike koningin te word. As die proef slaag en aan al die vereistes voldoen, sal hulle na die Legacy-klub oorgeplaas word.


Die PQL-beurs word gebruik vir lede wat wil aansluit by Pink Queens Legacy, maar dalk nie aan al die vereistes voldoen wat nodig is om aanvaar te word nie!

As gevolg van Pink Queens Legacy se hoë vereistes, laat ons aansoekers toe om deur die PQL-beursprogram aanvaar te word! Enige aansoeker kan aansoek doen vir die beurs, maar slegs 1-2 skoliere sal op 'n slag aanvaar word.

Die beursprogram is ontwerp rondom die PQL-proefproses, hoe ook al gewysig om die skolier bykomende tyd te gee om aan die klubvereistes te voldoen, terwyl hy ook leer oor die klubbestuur en dressuurmetodes! Die skolier sal deur 'n stap-vir-stap proses gaan, en sodra dit gereed is, sal die skolier na die Legacy-klub oorgeplaas word en as 'n Pienk Koningin gerangskik word! Die minimum tyd wat vir 'n skolier toegelaat word om oor te dra, is 3 weke.

Applicants who meet all of PQL's requirements, or are able to meet them within the 3-week Trial Program, will apply via regular applications. Applicants who do not meet all of PQL's requirements, or need additional time to meet them, will apply via Scholarship Applications.

Application Process

Regular and scholarship applications open a few times a year for a 5-day period. During the time applications are open, in-game dressage interviews are conducted. Once applications have closed and interviews have completed, those accepted will be announced and the new Princesses will be invited to join Pink Queens Students. The new Princesses will begin their 3-week Trial or Scholarship Program and attend PQL's Homecoming Week.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3

Fill out application form and select either Trial or Scholar program.

If application meets PQL standards, applicant will be contacted on Discord.

Participate in the in-game dressage interview.


Applications: CLOSED
Applications Open: TBD

Sponsorship Program

The Sponsorship Program is designed to help applicants prepare for the application process!

The Sponsorship Program is run by official PQL members who have volunteered to be Sponsors. Applicants may sign up to work with a PQL Sponsor, and the Sponsor will help the applicant prepare for the application and interview process. Applicants will work with their Sponsor based on their own schedule, and once ready, the applicant will apply to PQL.

Sponsors will help applicants with the following...

  • Prepare for the dressage interview

  • Learn/study the PDM and practice their dressage

  • Help with filling out the application form

  • Assist in meeting the club requirements

  • Answer questions

and more!

Sponsorship Sign-Up

Sponsorship Program: OPEN

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© 2022 deur Pink Queens Legacy
Webwerf geskep en ontwerp deur Capri Lakeshield & Bambi Prettylove

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