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Welcome to the Perfected Dressage Method

The PDM fundamentals dictionary was designed by Bambi Prettylove with the goal of creating a modern dressage methodA method that assists riders in performing with impeccable precision and technique. 

A method to enhance one's performance!

The PDM dictionary was published in August of 2021, making it the first "Dressage Method" fundamentals dictionary to be released to the SSO dressage community!


The PDM dictionary was first created privately for PQL in August of 2020 and one year later on August 12th of 2021, the dictionary was published; providing the community access to our version of modern SSO dressage. 


We made the decision to publicly release PQL's PDM dictionary because at the time, the dressage community had little to no fundamental methods publicly available, as fundamental methods were not yet common within the community. We are happy to share our methods with the public and we hope that others are able to use this dictionary to expand their fundamental dressage knowledge.

The name "Perfected Method" comes from the endless testing and studying we put into each of the methods; ensuring they are the best they can be for dressage riders and commanders!


When Bambi started her SSO journey in 2020, she was only introduced to a few basic dressage moves. Bambi then began teaching dressage, but due to her limited knowledge, she started to create her own techniques and methods whilst teaching. Eventually, these random methods were given names and slowly in time they became the "Perfected Dressage Method"; a fundamentals dictionary chapters long that continues to evolve every day.

The PDM was originally created because of our desire to have methods that aided dressage riders in advancing their skills and technique. Inspired by real dressage, Bambi used math and gaming technicalities to create the fundamental methods we have today; methods that are constantly evolving and receiving continuous updates.

Key   To   Success

Fundamentals are the most important aspect of clean and elite dressage and the first step toward accuracy and precision. Riders who understand exactly how dressage works in a technical manner are better able to perform seamlessly.


The PDM is designed to give the riders the skills and tools they need to be successful; therefore, the PDM focuses on the individual skill of each rider, rather than relying on the instructor's sole ability to command dressage. The PDM dictionary is a great tool to enhance advance dressage, however, many of the methods are also an important foundation for beginners!

When learning the PDM, we recommend reading one chapter at a time. When teaching the PDM to new riders, we recommend hosting a PDM introduction.


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Dictionary Last Updated: July 1st,  2024


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