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Kapitel 1


Udda ordning

Ledare: Odds (även känd som 1:or) är alltid den ursprungliga linjeledaren.
Våg: För vågrörelser, gå alltid till vänster om inget annat anges.
Tier Lines: När du klipper på nivålinjer går oddsen till den ytterligare nivålinjen.
Tråd: Gå alltid på första gången för trådflyttningar, om inte annat anges.


Corner methods


Vid stopp kommer befälhavaren att specificera vilken formation de vill att ryttarlinjen ska stanna i.

Om ingen specifik formation kallas kommer ryttarlinjen helt enkelt att stoppa NTT med ryttaren före.


perfected dressage -jcorn_edited.png


perfected dressage -jcorn (1)_edited.png



J-Corners are curved tapping turns through a corner or when turning onto a new sand line.


The riders will tap their directional key through the turn, following the rider in front of them. Most clubs use J-Corners to adjust their gaps, as riders can tap fast or slow to adjust their gap size.



L-Corners are a 90-degree turn through a corner or when turning onto a new sand line.


The rider will hold down their directional key once their horse's nose has reached the new sand line they wish to turn onto and then release once straight. L-Corners is the method the PDM uses for any type of turn.

Why L-Corners? PQL uses L-Corners because they create uniform and precise turns. When every rider in line performs an L-Corner, their gaps will not be affected, unlike J-Corners. This is why PQL created L-Corners, to combat the negative effects of J-Corners.


Additionally, L-Corners help the riders maintain straightness and arena timing. When a rider line taps through a turn, there is a high chance that the riders over or under tap which results in them not being straight on the sand line they turned onto. When a rider line taps through a turn, especially if they are adjusting their gaps in the turn, each rider will tap a different amount - which can lead to the tail end of the rider line being far off of their sand line, which then affects arena timing.

L-Corners also helps with making merges and splits more precise!

L-Corner Demo

In the video, the rider demonstrates trot L-Corners. The rider begins turning once their horse's nose reaches the sand line they wish to turn onto. The rider holds down their turning key and then releases once straight on the new sand line.

In order to perform L-Corners properly, the riders need to be aware of different sand lines and use their camera.

L-Corner Gaits



Vid stopp kommer befälhavaren att specificera vilken formation de vill att ryttarlinjen ska stanna i.

Om ingen specifik formation kallas kommer ryttarlinjen helt enkelt att stoppa NTT med ryttaren före.

Walk L-Corner

To ride a walk L-Corner, the rider will begin holding down their directional key once their horse's nose is directly overtop of the sandline they wish to turn onto.


Trot L-Corner

To ride a trot L-Corner, the rider will begin holding down their directional key once their horse's nose has reached the sandline they wish to turn onto.


Canter L-Corner

To ride a canter L-Corner, the rider will begin holding down their directional key once their horse's nose is a character spacing away from the sand line they wish to turn onto.


© 2022 av Pink Queens Legacy
Webbplatsen skapad och designad av Capri Lakeshield & Bambi Prettylove

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